My HappyPlace

People claim to have all kinds of happy places where there is an element that they desire. My happy place is near the water: the beach, the lake, a trout stream or even my aquarium.

I recently built a house near Lake Arbuckle in Southwest Oklahoma and bought a pontoon boat. It’s my happy place destination. Some people go on vacations, but I built a vacation home.

A Happy Place can be other people, as in, your husband, children, or grandchildren. It can also be the things you love to do; fishing, writing, traveling, music or playing sports.

Where is your happy place?

Happy is a place of contentment, peace, or a sense of well-being. It's the place you feel most free. It's an escape. When my first husband died, I told my grief counselor, that I wanted to go back to South Texas. It was where we spent the winter in our RV.

He said, "Margaret, why don't you go?" It was then that I realized it wasn't South Texas, it was the escape to a better place and time. South Texas wasn't a place, it was a state of mind.

There are times when we need another perspective. When we look unto Jesus, He lifts us up to see as He sees. Ephesians 2:6 gives me a different perspective of The Happy Place.

He raised us up with Christ the exalted One, and we ascended with him into the glorious perfection and authority of the heavenly realm, for we are now co-seated as one with Christ! TPT

That's a present tense statement. I live in this world, but I also live in Him in the spiritual realm. I realize the Shalom of Heaven (the destruction of chaos) when I take my eyes off this world and take my seat next to Christ. When I take authority over the enemy, I am not seated in this realm, I am a co-worker with Christ in His realm far above principalities and powers.

When I need an escape, I take my seat next to Christ.

When I need strength, I take my seat next to Christ.

When sorrow comes, I take my seat next to Christ.

 “You Are My Happy Place, Take A Seat.”

Love, God

John and Margaret Youell

John and Margaret are co-directors of Kingdom Change, specializing in healing damaged emotions through the transformation of the inner man.

ReCreate at the Lake