Margaret Testimonials

  • Encounter

    I have known Margaret Youell since 2012 when she asked me to join her Encounter team. She is passionate and committed to seeing lives healed and transformed through the power and ministry of the finished work of the Cross and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. I have been privileged to witness this firsthand, both in ministry alongside her on the Encounter team and personally. She was a very important part of my own healing journey. Her compassionate abilities to partner with the Holy Spirit and her kind and loving heart were the instrument of love that was used to help me, and others find peace and deep inner healing. She is a mentor and close friend to me, and I honor her passion to minister the heart of our Father to the broken and hurting.

    Gina Greenwood, Encounter Leader/Speaker/Daughter-in-the-Lord.


    Margaret has a heart and passion to see people set free through the power of Jesus! It drives her to serve, and she does it well. Working alongside Margaret you will be encouraged, challenged, and asked some pretty direct questions. She’s not afraid to ask the hard questions or speak direct truth into your life! I remember talking with Margaret about a personal situation and after listening carefully, she looked at me and said, “You are taking on false responsibility”. That moment changed my life. We were preparing for a weekend of ministry to see people delivered from bondage, but in that moment, she spoke such truth and freedom into my own life! I’m forever grateful God connected us in ministry and friendship.

    Becky Hielaman, Encounter Leader/Speaker/Ministry Leader


  • New Life Church

    It is with great joy that I introduce to you my wife, Margaret Youell.

    Before our recent marriage, I had the pleasure of being Margaret's pastor for eight years. She is a wonderfully anointed woman of God whom The Lord uses to bring transformation to individual lives through a variety of gifts and ministries. Whether it's one on one counseling or through a group setting at weekend Encounter ministry sessions, God has used Margaret to give hope, help and healing to many individuals.

    Margaret lives her life "glowing" with the anointing of the Lord. Her heart "burns" with God's love and passion to see lives of individuals "ReCreated" into the image of her Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

    When you read the following pages, I believe your heart will be inspired as you dance with Margaret through the stages of her life as the Great Choreographer directs her every move and wonderfully leads her out of the valley of deep pain to the mountain top of fullness and completeness in Christ Jesus. In the end, may you find your heart aglow with the Spirit, burning brightly for Jesus!


  • Hope Ministries

    As Recovery Coordinator for Hope Center Ministries, I asked Margaret Youell to teach a Bible study for our women. She is a great encouragement to everyone, sharing hope and hugs through her stories and scripture. What a blessing she is, as she helps shine the Light of Jesus’ love into the darkness. Terri Cothren


  • Counseling

    Margaret’s willingness to be a vessel for the Holy Spirit brought true, deep healing in my life in some of my darkest days. Always discerning from the Holy Spirit to offer a biblical foundation to the path of healing brought true redemption to my life. I was able to set aside the old man that I was, through the path of forgiveness that Margaret led me on. Because of her I can be the son, the father, and husband God always saw me as. She is a friend that I will always be thankful for and know God brought into my life when I most needed that soft but true and biblical counsel.

    Randy Mumma, Encounter Leader/Speaker/Son-in-the Lord


  • Book-Aglow and Still Burning

    With the very first sentence, "My life was very messy." Margaret Youell draws the reader of Aglow and Still Burning into her life. I greatly admire anyone who does the hard work of writing and writing well to capture their life journey. One author (Wendell Berry in Jayber Crow) stated that "things went to the grave with them that will never be known again." Thankfully, that will not be the case with Margaret. I have known this lady for almost a decade. The transformation in her life has been evident as she yielded various hurts and pains to Jesus for healing and for His perspective on the situation. I also know that her desire is that her story will engage others to find their own healing encounter with Christ. Read her account with the joy of knowing that God wants to do the same in your life.

    Dr. Lou Shirey, Director of the Lilly Endowment Grant for the International Pentecostal Holiness Church.


    What moves me most in this beautiful story is how Margaret honors her friends; these mothers in the faith that walked her through life. Margaret shares so intimately about her journey and helps us see how our own story can help others. Will you let your shoulders be another’s floor to stand on? Will you champion others just as these beautiful women championed Margaret? We were created for this. Dive in and drink deep.

    Christine Tracy, Writing Coach and Author of Tapestry – The Divine Design for Your Life, and The Art of Writing.


    Margaret has lived this book…it is not a figment of her imagination or a fiction novel. This book is real life, the relationship between an Almighty, Powerful, Loving, and Forgiving God and a woman on life’s journey. Read how God orchestrated her life, placing the right people into her pathway to fashion His Child. Beautifully written, honestly shared, and absolutely giving all honor and praise to her Lord Jesus Christ. Margaret has a heart and passion to make a difference in lives around her. She has a heart to be used by God. Allow her words to speak to your heart and life.

    Bob Willis. Sculptor, Grief Counselor, Author “A Guide for Grievers” (2017) “MOURNING MOMENTS” (2022)


    I remember the day Margaret forgave her mother. I remember more vividly the day I forgave my mother, the day my friends pinned me down in prayer and not so gently “required” me to seek the Holy Spirit for the reasons for my own bondage. I, too, saw Jesus in my spirit in the encounter with my mother. I realized that He had always been there in my life—always. Nothing ever touched me that He was not Lord of. If Jesus had healed me, I knew He would heal Margaret and help her to let go of her unforgiveness. I knew the truth could set her free and I knew she loved the Lord and wanted more. So, I “pinned” Margaret down. Just like the lame man in John 5:6, Jesus asks us, too, “Do you want to be healed.” It’s a choice. Let go of unforgiveness and be healed.

    Beth Ledbetter, Aglow Divine Appointment


    Margaret is a very transparent person and that is what drew me to her. As a speaker, she has much to share that is beneficially impactful. She speaks under the anointing of Holy Spirit; therefore, her words are power filled. Margaret's background as a counselor gives her insight that most people do not have. That coupled with the spiritual gifting within her gives her a reading on people that others do not possess. Her greatest desire is to see people transformed from the bondage of darkness into the freedom of light that only comes from a relationship with JESUS. She has walked that walk and is the living evidence of the transformational power of GOD'S WORD.

    I so enjoyed Aglow and Still Burning. Every chapter was good. I think she has captured the ability of introduction to a CHRIST filled life that creates a hunger in the reader to experience His power and presence for themselves! May many lives be transformed as they read AGLOW AND STILL BURNING.

    Beckie Thompson, Mentor and Friend
